Olya Khaleelee
TOPIC: AI Revolution, Social Cohesion and Possible Implications for the Social Work Profession
Olya Khaleelee is a corporate psychologist and organisational consultant with a particular interest in leadership, and organisational transition and transformation. She is a professional partner of the Tavistock Institute and was the first female director of the Leicester Conference on the theme of Authority, Leadership and Organisation. She is the Chairwoman of a charity – OPUS: an Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society – which promotes development of the reflective citizen. Olya has published extensively in the areas of leadership and system psychodynamics in organisations, and beyond, into society. She has co-authored two books with Halina Brunning, the first entitled: “Danse Macabre and other stories – A psychoanalytic perspective on global dynamics”, published in 2021, and in 2023, they co-edited a second book entitled “The Covid Trail – Psychodynamic Explorations”, both published by Phoenix, now Karnac. A third book, “Sitting on a Suitcase” is in preparation
This presentation outlines some of the positive and threatening aspects of the AI revolution on work life, employer/employee relations, on mental health and on the probable erosion of trust in organisational and public life, due to uncertainty about what is fake and what is real. It considers the impact of these developments on society and social cohesion, speculates on whether the implementation of universal basic income might be necessary to maintain social harmony as AI replaces jobs and professions, and ends with some thoughts and questions about how AI might impact on the profession of social work.